kelliesimpson @tommytrc Not much! I'm just asking people who'd they'd like to be trapped in an elevator with!
and I said
@kelliesimpson asks, if you could be stranded in an elevator with, who would it be? Me: Steve Jobs, Tina Fay, Bear Grylles & Heidi Klum
kelliesimpson @tommytrc Good to time to get to know someone, stuck in an elevator.
As I'm going about the rest of my day and people start replying to my original tweet. I get one, 2, 5, 10 replys and they keep pouting in. people keep forwarding or Tweeting my original question and I'm getting the best answers. Many have asked to see what other have said, so I'm compiling the
Ok Kids, If you are stuck in an elevator, what 4 people would you want to be stuck with? Alive people only
Okay here's what I found out... I did not edit this at all or correct spelling errors in names or anything. Remember twitter is limited to 140 characters per reply, that's why some words are truncated.
tangokdesign @tommytrc my hubby, mybff mary, her hubby dave and Anthony Bourdain. Interesting people to have conversations with.
LesleaC @tommytrc Johnny Depp, Channing Tatum, Dexter, Robin Thicke
JasonAltenburg @tommytrc Maynard James Keenan, Juliya Chernetsky, Bill Gates, and Linus Torvalds
judyrey @tommytrc Good choices, but I'd rather be stuck in a elevator with an elevator mechanic or the building's superintendent.
coconacchi @tommytrc Lily Allen, Neko Case, my dirty ex, Amir Derakh
footenotes @tommytrc My 4: Pres Obama, Tom Colicchio, J. D. Salinger and Sandra Day O'Connor
laquesefue @tommytrc Obama, Sarah Palin, John McCain and Pelosi, I love drama.......
ShoeSmitten @tommytrc 1) You, we could chat for hours about shoes ;) 2) Giuseppe Zanotti, of course 3) My dad, he tells great stories 4) my best friend
WOW ShoeSmitten picked me interesting...
lollieshopping @tommytrc @dudieboy, @tara_bear, her BF @_twt and my BFF/Gay Husband Joey (who isn't on Twitter, but should be).
Ashleybird @tommytrc the 4 members of The Used. :) They would keep me entertained
DougOntrack @tommytrc Shir Shimron,Warren Buffet,Guy Kawasaki,Stevie Nicks.
smlacy @tommytrc My 2 best friends, my boyfriend and @TheCharmQuark I thin
Oshkosh_mommy @tommytrc just me, so quiet would be nice, maybe form a whole thought without hearing mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommmy
snowvandemore @tommytrc my husband, Bear Grills, Bobby Flay and George Cloone
klanum @tommytrc tina fey, conan o'brien, travis clark and al roker. what about you
Another Tine Fey Fan..nice
carnellm @tommytrc Jenny McCarthy and her three clone sisters. Yup, that would about do it for me!! ;)
KRAPPS @tommytrc tough/good question!!! Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria :)
Yes, I knew Steve Jobs would be popular...
mattmutz @tommytrc Dave Attell, Jorge Garcia, Steve Wozniak, Kevin Rose
writingroads @tommytrc Eve Ensler, Ellen, George Clooney, Jon Stewart
LisaTorres @tommytrc barack obama, oprah, hellen keller and YOU so you can ask me more great questions!
Is Hellen Keller still alive?
shawnz @tommytrc Quinn, John, Donna...and Jim Beam (much needed companion as I have a great fear of getting stuck on elevators). I take the stairs.
UneditedVersion @tommytrc Sigmund Freud, Eva Peron, Ernest Hemmingway, and Frida Kahlo still stands with me. I'm thinking of alive people.
They are dead..try again please...!
UneditedVersion @tommytrc Dr. Michael Stone, Barack Obama, Madonna, and Marilyn vos Savant. That was tough.
briancray @tommytrc Survivor man, Construction worker, Water delivery guy, and my girlfriend
nerdette @tommytrc 4 people: an elevator mechanic, MacGyver, Billy Crystal and Wanda Sykes because then at least it would be funny.
hack10 @tommytrc opra,obama,george bush sr, and richard branson
footndale @tommytrc That's easy. My wife and 3 kids.
linnetwoods @tommytrc Without pondering long? Keith 'Robbie' Robinson (he'd get us out) Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, and John Cleese (for examlple)
amitchowdhry @tommytrc bill gates, warren buffett, obama, and larry page
mayhemstudios @tommytrc: @Logomotives @andysowards @unmarketing and MacGyver
estmr @tommytrc putting family aside, Rush, Prager, Levin, & Ingraham, funny, informative and I'd get along with them all!
kodakCB @tommytrc Hmmm. My husband, Martha Stewart, David Letterman and an elevator repairman! (Comforted, educated, entertained and rescued! : )
AnneHyde @tommytrc Stuck in elevator: Barak Obama, Dalai Lama, Osama Bin Laden & world's best negotiator
LadyFate @tommytrc Hmmm, probably Eddie Izzard, Jen Lancaster, Lincoln Child, & Dmitri Martin.
ragebots @tommytrc - 4 people in my immobile elevator: Bear Grylls, Billy Idol, Ricky Gervais, and Don Rickles
Another vote for Bear! Rock on!
docmurdock @tommytrc Just kidding! Robin Williams, Sully, @mariasimone, [wifye poo] @aplusk
CreativeWisdom @tommytrc My 4 people: My oldest son (he's cool), My best friend (we'd laugh), @Mitzs (she'd have a utility belt), & anyone w/snacks.
AmyStark @tommytrc Bill Gates-Warren Buffet-Omar Sharif and a Bellhop with food and wine. Bill and Warren against me and Omar in bridge
Drwright1 @tommytrc My friend Angie, Vin Diesel, my friend Laura
greenbaygreg @tommytrc Tiger Woods, George Bush, Jessica Alba, Warren Buffett
AmberLyssaMarie @tommytrc That is a good question. Of course, my sweetie @AbigailRaymaker, my mother, my sister, and I guess my father & brother take turns
AmberCadabra @tommytrc Barack Obama, my kid, Brian Greene (physicist) and Conan O'Brien.
rosslarocco @tommytrc Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley, Amy Smart, Anne Hathaway
debworks @tommytrc Barack Obama, Karl Rove, Chris Brogan, Jon Stewart (Barack&Chris have blackberrys,Karl to argue with, Jon to laugh with) so there!
SashaKane @tommytrc If I were trapped in an elevator with (4) Celeb people would want -- Whoopie Goldberg @mariashiver Jon Steward & Celine Dion
JRGriggs @tommytrc well my wife, son and daughter. 4th is tough, I'll auction that spot on ebay
AbigailRaymaker @tommytrc My Amber, my sister and my parents
pfont @tommytrc I only want two: shemar moore and blair underwood. Naked.
Only 2...okay only 2 then!
SusanMazza @tommytrc Deepak Chopra, Robin Williams, and My Husband & My Daughter I'd be happy to be stuck anywhere w/ them.
jessicahalem @tommytrc hmmm...obama, rachel maddow, chris rock, and my partner red.
CubanaLAF @tommytrc Aaron Rodgers, Anderson Cooper, Eric Bana, George Stephanapolus, (sp?) and Mike Modano.
ninjen @tommytrc Eric Dane, @rightgirl and Christian Bale. It would be a hot mess.
Only Three?
TheDailyBlonde @tommytrc ok 4 people I want to be stuck w in an elevator: George Clooney. Why 4? I think that's enough.
xianfox @tommytrc Four highly skilled elevator repair technicians.
ninjen @tommytrc Hmmm. I forgot a 4th person. Ok, I said @rightgirl, Erice Dane, and Christian Bale. 4th...@stephenkruiser
AnnEvanston @tommytrc Gordon ramsey, Leslie Blodgett, John Maxwell and Janet Evanovich
tygerbaby @tommytrc Christian Bale, Frank Langella, Michael Keaton, @ninjen (I'd just fight her for Christian Bale's attention LOL)
Anoher in the Christian Bale fan club, just please DO NOT set him off....!
Minervity @tommytrc Carmen Electra, Steve Jobs, President Obama and Peter Jackson. (There's an interesting mix. Would be interesting!! :)
msmonogram @tommytrc my mini, my bff, Prez Obama, Dr. Rey from Dr. 90210
Mittons @tommytrc My Mom. Only because she would be the only one willing to put up with my going insane stuck in an elevator!
Brandilyn @tommytrc Hubby, son and daughter, daughter-in-law. Although I wouldn't wish that on them!
jeanettejoy @tommytrc @YoungBob @PhilHenderson & wife Susan @MichaelMillman Because they are all calming inspirational influences in my life. Fun too!
rosyblue @tommytrc I'm think I would want to talk with Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, Gov. Sarah Palin and Kobe Bryant. I have so many questions.
TheMogulMom @tommytrc If u were stuck in elevator, I bet you'd like 2 b stuck w/Slick Rick, Doug E. Fresh, Snoop Dog & Jay-Z. Am I right? Am I right? :)
Nooooooo I told you before, Steve Jobs, Tina Fey, Bear Grylls & Heidi Klum!
Pdkay @tommytrc First of all I hope I dont have to pee. Lets see Obama, Chris Rock, Andrea Fonseka, and Keith Olbermann
Forian @tommytrc Robert Scoble, Loren Feldman, Stephen Colbert and a tie between Bill O'Reilly and Obama.
briancarter @tommytrc the 4 fattest people on the planet
KikiValdes @tommytrc If i was stuck in an elevator...hmm Kim Kardasian, Scarlett Johansson, Rose McGowan and Anne Hathaway
goDOTchris @tommytrc the 4 best friends of the guy who can fix the elevator.
jesshatchigan @tommytrc, Jennifer Aniston, Hugh Grant, James Franco & J.K. Rowling.
TheMogulMom @tommytrc Jerry Seinfeld, my husband Scott (he'd be so pissed he'd figure a way out), Oprah & Neil Peart from Rush. (Random & weird, huh?)
kateblogs @tommytrc Hmm, I'll go for Barack Obama, @stephenfry, Germaine Greer and Sean Bean
MariSmith @tommytrc 4 peeps stuck in my elevator: Oprah, @StephenFry, Madonna & Jude Law. Hm, wait I wouldn't be able to breathe!!
Paul_Holgorsen @tommytrc George Bush, Newt Gingrich, Mike Shanahan,Tony Dungee Ok I thought about it.
boonebgorges @tommytrc David Lee Roth, Jimmy Carter, Toots Thielemans, Jacques Pepin. Booya!
techpr @tommytrc Aside from family? I'm a go with Russell Crowe, Mike Rowe (the "Dirty Jobs" guy, rowr), Bradley Whitford and John Cusack. :-)
Sarah_Stuart @tommytrc ok got it I would like to be with @aroadretraveled @briancarter @eunice007 and a guy Who knows how to fix elevators
clifford1029 @tommytrc Andy Dick, Carrot Top, Rosie O"Donnell, and Rosanne Barr. Hands down.
detainee @tommytrc Rod Blagojevich, his wife, Mayor Daley and President Obama. I would be super scared of the first 3. Bad tempers
krclaypool @tommytrc My hubby and 3 kids. They are my fav peeps!
noraburns @tommytrc ......@DaveTaylor cause I'd have all that time to ask my techie questions! @ashleyandrus because she would bring humor & levity
noraburns @tommytrc ....and @stevespangler the science guy cause he would be able to figure a way OUTof the elevator!
KellyOlexa @tommytrc Easy. My best friend Wendy, @garyvee, my massage guy Mr. Rene and Will Ferrell. LOL And some wine. Lots of wine.
AnnEvanston @tommytrc my SO wants General Michael Hayden, Obama, Osama bin Ladin, and David Petraeus - hmmm.... interesting elevator!
AmberLyssaMarie @tommytrc Oh, if we are talking famous people, my 4 people would be Terry Goodkind, Philip Pullman, J. K. Rowling, Colleen McCullough
Didn't I already heard from those 2..I guess they want another crack at it!
twitwebtester @tommytrc Alive people? how abt split personalities? hahaha... @simonleung @coolsi @leecollins @robincollins does all tat count hahaha
stylestar @tommytrc I choose @meandsports, Brandy H, @Chrishelle, and my son (though 5 mins into it I'll be praying that he shut up)
Attitudegrrrl @tommytrc Robin Williams, Bill Clinton, Michael Symon, and Sponge Bob (or Patrick)
KrisColvin @tommytrc Omg, how fun. Stuck in elevator companion wishlist = @garyvee, @guykawasaki, Chelsea Handler & Justin Timberlake. Hahaha!!!
abarcelos @tommytrc Elevator: Dali Lama, Barack Obama, Steve Jobs, & Bill Gates. The last 2 only to see if I could get them to be friends again;-) U?
anjin19860 @tommytrc keiichi tsuchiya, liam neeson, uma thurman, and sonny chiba would be my four at this exact moment in time.
klsnyc805 @tommytrc My man, Jon Stewart, Tom Wolfe, and MacGruber
KateGaffin @tommytrc Richard Branson, Bono, Lance Armstrong and my best friend Simon
employerbrander @tommytrc awesome question! Right this minute? @stelzner @hrmaven @chris_bailey and @gabrielrossi :)
Lets try that one again....
employerbrander @tommytrc celebs...hmmm George Clooney, Brad Bitt, Matt Damon & Edward Norton ...LOL ;-)
kristacolvin @tommytrc my husband, my best friend diane, and 2 interesting people that i've yet to meet.
kristacolvin @tommytrc to clarify... 2 interesting people that showered + have snacks on them!
Holly_GPB @tommytrc My husband, my 2 boys and my brother
islandprincess2 @tommytrc Elvis (young Elvis on X) and that would be all LOL
TheUserPool @tommytrc Hot girl 1, hot girl 2, hot girl 3 and hot girl 4.
FollowingBetty @tommytrc oh, I found it...I like your picks! Mine would be: Jeff Hardy, Tom Brokaw, Betty White and Jerry Seinfeld
greenskeptic @tommytrc missed yr question re: 4 ppl in elevator; top of mind: Will Smith, Michael Ondaatje, Pierre Omidyar (@pierre), and Alison Krause
chatblanc @tommytrc I'd say. . . Daisy the Curly Cat, JD at I Do Things, BeesMusings (all bloggers) & Jen Lancaster (writer). AWESOME CHICKS (& 1 cat)
BarbDreger @tommytrc Hmm... good question. My husband, my min pin dog and Jesus. How's that?
MichaelJames_NY stuck in an elevator...3 Swedish bikini team members and a good locksmith...Lol
MichaelJames_NY Just kidding tommytrc, easy answer. Spielberg, Cronkite, Goldman, and DeCoster.
MissShellBelle @tommytrc 1. Maya Angelou 2. Hillary Clinton 3. Alice Walker 4. Michelle Obama
VAnetworking @tommytrc Sam Elliot (eyecandy/sexy voice), MacGyver (I know he'd find a way out), Obama (pick his mind), Bette Midler (entertainment)
CupCate @tommytrc Hmm...I'd like to be stuck in a lift with @barackobama , @diablocody @ibwan & Russell Brand. Brand & Obama will totally get on.
greenskeptic @tommytrc missed yr question re: 4 ppl in elevator; top of mind: Will Smith, Michael Ondaatje, Pierre Omidyar (@pierre), and Alison Krause.
What did I learn from all this? Well first I think that I learned that there are a lot of folks who would really like some quality time with our new POTUS, Barack Obama. I'm betting that choice would bring some amazing conversation, not just about the situation at hand but even world issues. Second thing I learned is how many people like Christian Bale. Do they like him more at this time because of the rant from earlier this month, or because he was just a good looking stud from the movie Newsies or was that Batman?
I think the last and most impressive thing I leaned is more about the twitter community then anything else. I learned that even though you do not talk or "tweet" people every single day, if you have an engaging question, one that makes people think, you will get people to spread the word and share. I mean it speaks for itself. a good questions, repeated anough, gets over a hundred responses...and I wasn't even really trying that hard to get people to reply. This was a great example of how twitter can really enrich the people who participate and I for one am a believer.
PS...they keep coming's another...
nessienoo @tommytrc Stephen Fry, My Husband, Helen Mirren, George Clooney
jamield @tommytrc David Bowie, Simon doonan, Isaac mizrahi, salman Rushdie. Today anyway. Tomorrow might be different.
Thingsall2good tough question. Jim Carey- he'd make me laugh, Oprah - they'll work harder at getting us out if she's in there, the pope - for the obvious
Thingsall2good and finally .. with someone I love. That would be a great team to be stuck in an elevator with. What are your choices?
super cool adventure on twitter! loved reading the results. thanks for sharing!! :)
ReplyDeleteThis also shows the power of influence and asking questions that spark interest. Even a biz person on twitter could do the same and gather some amazing data!
ReplyDeleteAnn Evanston
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