This Thanksgiving season, I would like to post what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for so many things and I hope that if you didn't make the list you don't feel bad. Either you didn't make the cutoff or your bribe wasn't large enough. There's always the 2009 listing. I'm thankful for people, places and things. There are so many things that help archive happiness. Certainly material things don't ultimately make one happy, but as the say going..."it sure helps!!" Its the entire package that makes life worth living. Also, this listing is in no particular order...
What I'm thankful for
- Emma
- Tommy
- Madeline
- Clara
- Becky
- Flip Mino Camcorder
- Jody & Mike
- iPod Touch
- Trans-Siberian Orchestra
- Diet Mountain Dew
- History Channel
- Wendy & Jack
- Heather & Scott
- Snowblowers
- AppleTV
- Rochester, NY
- eBay
- 325 Horsepower
- 4 Wheel Drive
- I'm thankful to know the purpose of life.
- Kevin, Bruce and Brian
- Discovery Channel
- 52" HDTV
- Good Food
- Mac OS X
- My Marriage
- The ability to serve others
- Good Music
- A sence of humor
- Google Reader
- My Pearl
- Grandparents near and far
- Yellowstone National Park
- Youtube
- Drudge Report
- The Graphic Users Association
- Great work and personal friends
- Kelloggs Fudge Pop Tarts
- Income Tax Refund Checks
- Buffalo Wild Wings
- Naps
- BYU Football
- New York City's Times Square
- Meebo
- Jamoca Almond Fudge Ice Cream
- Firefox
- Christmas time family vacations
move me to number 6